Ancient Buddha Statues of Kerala

Many ancient Buddha statues, dating back to 7th Century CE onwards were discovered from various parts of Kerala. These Buddha statues smile to the world even today as the embodiment of peace, sublime thought, and the excellence of intellectual climate that prevailed in the region in the foregone eras.

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Sreemoolavasam – an Ancient Buddhist Monastery in Kerala

Sreemoolavasam Mahayana Monastery was one of the ancient Buddhist centers in South India (in South Kerala) and had a famous Avalokitesvara statue, with Tara and Bhrikuti on two sides. The then Ay King Vikamaditya Varaguna was a patron of this monastery.

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Bodhidharma – a Trilogy on his Life and Teachings

A biographical sketch of Bodhidharma along with an introduction to his essential teachings. The first part narrates his life story. The second part of the trilogy delves deeper into his teachings. The final part explores Bodhidharma’s links with martial arts and healing traditions of India, China and Sri Lanka.

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Behind that Strength

Along with the demise of Buddhism in India, its birthplace, the insight into its deeper meaning also vanished from here without a trace. Yet there still remains in this land the inspiration that the Awakened One, the Buddha provided through his fearlessness and purity, his views on social equality and his doctrine of non-violence and compassion.

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