The Splendor of Transience – Lalitavistara Sutra on Impermanence

For someone who do not notice the dreamlike nature of life, impermanence of life can be a depressing fact. But, contemplating on impermanence in this way breaks open the cocoon of wrong view. Then, we can recognize the play of awareness in its full splendor and beauty, all through this life and beyond. In Lalitavistara Sutra Buddha points to this fact.

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Existence is Absurd without Compassion

Our existence is absurd and utterly meaningless if we remain cocooned in the shell of self-interest. In that case, Samsara is a never-ending struggle of emotions and confusions with uncertain bouts of pain and pleasure. However, when the sprouts of great compassion for all beings without partiality arise in us, a it turns into the mind of awakening, Bodhicitta.

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Bodhidharma – a Trilogy on his Life and Teachings

A biographical sketch of Bodhidharma along with an introduction to his essential teachings. The first part narrates his life story. The second part of the trilogy delves deeper into his teachings. The final part explores Bodhidharma’s links with martial arts and healing traditions of India, China and Sri Lanka.

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The Wild Leaps of Awakening – Bodhidharma and Martial Arts

This final part of the trilogy on Bodhidharma explores the pivotal role played by Bodhidharma in turning martial arts into a fine art of awakening. Due to the contributions of Bodhidharma and other masters of his genre, martial arts of India, China, Far East and Sri Lanka came to share many commonalities and turned into extensions of inner peace.

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Breaking the Silence – The Teachings of Bodhidharma

This second part of the trilogy on Bodhidharma, goes deeper into Bodhidharma’s teachings, including the two methods Bodhidharma taught for entering the Way. We shall also see how Bodhidharma’s teachings fit within the broader context of various Mahayana methods.

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