Dwelling as a Lamp unto Oneself – Attadipa sutta

“Therefore, Ānanda, dwell as a lamp unto yourself, refuge unto yourself, seeking no other refuge; With Dhamma as your lamp, Dhamma as your refuge, seeking no other refuge.” These words clearly show how the Way of the Tathagata is to be followed as a Way that goes beyond religion.

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Kill the Mind to Reveal the Sahaja – Mahasiddha Tilopa

These words are from the Dohakosha of the great Indian Mahasiddha Tilopa. Tilopa’s sahajīya poetry – his dohas, are composed in Apabhramsha, a dialect spoken those days in the North Indian plains.

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Pervading the World with Metta – Kakacupama Sutta

In  Kakacupama Sutta and Maha-Rahulovada Sutta, the Buddha teaches how to maintain the attitude of boundless lovingkindness (maitri/ metta) and compassion (karuna) to all beings, as the unshaken basis for one’s relationship with the world. The Tathagata shows  how pervading the world with this deep sense of kindness and compassion lead us to experience profound peace, patience and openness.

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The Splendor of Transience – Lalitavistara Sutra on Impermanence

For someone who do not notice the dreamlike nature of life, impermanence of life can be a depressing fact. But, contemplating on impermanence in this way breaks open the cocoon of wrong view. Then, we can recognize the play of awareness in its full splendor and beauty, all through this life and beyond. In Lalitavistara Sutra Buddha points to this fact.

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Sahaja Yoga – The Way of Saraha

Dohakosha of Mahasiddha Saraha is one of the first in the doha style of poetry to appear in India. In this beautiful song, Saraha teaches the path of Sahaja-yoga (the natural way). Saraha (सरहा /Sarahapada) was one of the great Indian Buddhist Mahasiddhas.

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Existence is Absurd without Compassion

Our existence is absurd and utterly meaningless if we remain cocooned in the shell of self-interest. In that case, Samsara is a never-ending struggle of emotions and confusions with uncertain bouts of pain and pleasure. However, when the sprouts of great compassion for all beings without partiality arise in us, a it turns into the mind of awakening, Bodhicitta.

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How to be Cool and Cut the Fuel to Anger

One of the smartest ways to control anger and hatred is to cut its fuel. It is called daurmanasya. It is like a reservoir of highly inflammatory fuel, that only needs a spark to burst into an explosion of anger and hatred. Depleting that fuel also leads to a positive outlook to life.

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