Kill the Mind to Reveal the Sahaja – Mahasiddha Tilopa

These words are from the Dohakosha of the great Indian Mahasiddha Tilopa. Tilopa’s sahajīya poetry – his dohas, are composed in Apabhramsha, a dialect spoken those days in the North Indian plains.

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Sahaja Yoga – The Way of Saraha

Dohakosha of Mahasiddha Saraha is one of the first in the doha style of poetry to appear in India. In this beautiful song, Saraha teaches the path of Sahaja-yoga (the natural way). Saraha (सरहा /Sarahapada) was one of the great Indian Buddhist Mahasiddhas.

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Natural Meditation

Though there are many ways to meditate, ultimately meditation means to familiarize with the recognition of the nature of one’s own awareness. As you effortlessly maintain an unceasing flow of that recognition, whatever thoughts and perceptions arise are like the waves of an ocean of awareness.

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Greatest Generosity and Highest Meditation – Bodhidharma

A short teaching on how to discover the brilliant expanse of one’s own mind through the correct generosity and the correct meditation. (based on a quote from Bodhidharma)

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